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[주식용어] 거래량 이동 평균 (volume moving average) (volume moving average)

Hello, this is Rich Robo. Today, we will learn about 거래량 이동 평균 (volume moving average) (volume moving average) among Stock. Subscriptions and likes help Rich Robo!

Are you an investor looking to get an edge in the stock market? If so, you may have heard of 거래량 이동 평균 (Volume Moving Average), or VMA. VMA is a technical indicator that measures the average volume of a stock over a certain period of time. By analyzing the volume of a stock, investors can gain insight into the strength of the stock’s price movement.

In this article, we’ll explain what VMA is, how it works, and how it can be used to help investors make better decisions.

What is 거래량 이동 평균 (Volume Moving Average)?

거래량 이동 평균 (Volume Moving Average) is a technical indicator that measures the average volume of a stock over a certain period of time. It is calculated by taking the sum of the volume of a stock over a certain period of time and dividing it by the number of time periods.

For example, if you wanted to calculate the VMA for a stock over the last 10 days, you would take the sum of the volume of the stock over the last 10 days and divide it by 10. This would give you the average volume of the stock over the last 10 days.

How Does VMA Help Investors?

VMA can be used to help investors identify trends in the stock market. By analyzing the average volume of a stock over a certain period of time, investors can gain insight into the strength of the stock’s price movement.

For example, if the average volume of a stock is increasing over a certain period of time, it may indicate that the stock’s price is also increasing. On the other hand, if the average volume of a stock is decreasing over a certain period of time, it may indicate that the stock’s price is also decreasing.

Glossary of Terms

- Volume: The total number of shares traded in a given period of time.

- Moving Average: A technical analysis tool used to smooth out price data by taking the average of a certain number of data points.

- Technical Indicator: A mathematical calculation used to analyze price and volume data to identify trends in the stock market.

- Price Movement: The change in the price of a stock over a certain period of time.


거래량 이동 평균 (Volume Moving Average) is a technical indicator that measures the average volume of a stock over a certain period of time. By analyzing the volume of a stock, investors can gain insight into the strength of the stock’s price movement. VMA can be used to help investors identify trends in the stock market and make better investment decisions.

![Image of a stock chart](https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?stock,chart)

# Hashtags

#VMA #VolumeMovingAverage #StockMarket #Investing #TechnicalAnalysis